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Phase 2 is all about finding the answers to our questions.

“I wonder why?”, “How will we find out?”, “What causes that?”, “How much?”, “How often?”, etc.

These powerful questions give children's learning authentic purpose. Children use their emerging skills in language, science, math, social studies and the creative arts to answer questions and represent their findings.


Look Closely: What is going on here? When we stretch…are our arms longer? This impactful question provides opportunities for concrete experiences with measurement and how we use tools. The children have a reason to use, and understand how to use, a measuring tape as a tool. What do the numbers mean? How can we record what we find? We use pictures to document these experiences, dictations of the children’s conversation, or a class graph to represent their findings.


At Creative World School, young writers practice writing for real purposes! Labeling is one example of the type of powerful writing in our classrooms. When children have context for their writing, they are motivated. Our teachers can assess what they know, and the child feels successful.


Dynamic Small Groups Allow for Unique Learning Opportunities! Working together fosters collaboration, problem-solving, listening communicating, mentoring, critical thinking, and creativity.


Young Scientists At Work! We believe active learning promotes advanced learning. As we answer questions and explore our inquiry, children have opportunities to practice the following thinking skills: Comparing, hypothesizing, predicting, classifying, sequencing, estimating, analyzing, and observing.


Play is powerful and purposeful in our classrooms! Children create a concession stand for their dance theater. Creative play allows children to explore content in new ways! As children take on roles and engage in dramatic play, they are learning new vocabulary and practicing important language and literacy skills. Children who sustain play with peers are better able to self-regulate and be successful in kindergarten.